sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015

Bowel Stew, Hipermenorrea, Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis - "Bowel Stew/Hipermenorrea/Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis" (Split) - (2011)

Split: "Bowel Stew/Hipermenorrea/Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis"
Genero / Genre: Brutal/Death Metal - Goregrind, Goregrind, Goregrind
País / Country: Italia, México / Italy, Mexico
Año / Year: 2011
Calidad / Quality: 320kbps


Bowel Stew
01 - Prostituta
02 - Necromania
03 - Orgasmo Rosso Sangue
04 - Porno Holocaust
05 - Gulag 69
06 - Devoured Alive (Mortician Cover)
07 - Prevention of Infection in Colon Surgery
08 - Perforations of the Distal Large Intestine Produced by Intraluminal Trauma
09 - Traumatic Rupture of the Gallblader Due to Nonpenetrating Injury
10 - Reduction in Thrombophlebitis by Limiting Duartion of Intravenous Infusions
11 - Histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis and Coccidioidomicosis Maybe Identefied by Rising Titers in Serologic Tests
12 - Granulomatous Diseases of the Small and Large Bowel
13 - Pathigenesis of Multiple Diverticula of the Sigmoid Colon in Diverticular Disease
14 - Abscesos Cutaneos Por Una Infecion En Un Bukkake Insalubre
15 - Parasitia Hospitalizacion Con Cateter Y Cuerpos Extraсos Quimotaxxxis
16 - Parafimosis Por Fornicar A Un Huesped Infectado Con Toxxxoplasma Gondii
17 - Latigeando Y Coitoexaminando Sexxxologicamente A Una Obesa Bisexual Fornicando Con Una Anorexxxica Lesbiana Con Cancer Cervicouterino Lacerante Y Excitante
18 - Azospermia

Duración Total / Total Playing Time:  38:32

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