Genero / Genre: Cybergrind/Porngrind
País / Country: México
Año / Year: 2004 - 2009
Calidad / Quality: 256kbps - 320kbps
Lista de Álbumes / List of Albums
(2004) - Red Hot Piggys Pussys (Larga Duración/Full Lenhth)
(2004) - 4 Way Splatter Fetish - (Split)
(2005) - Cyber Gore Grind 4 Way - (Split)
(2005) - Cyber Gore Grind 4 Way - (Split)
(2005) - Positive-Negative - (Split)
(2006) - XXX Ways. Vol.2 - (Split)
(2007) - Cyberpornelectrogrindgore - (Split)
(2009) - 3M Split - (Split)
(Con Escaneos / With Scans)
Duración Total / Total Playing Time: 01:43:38
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